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06 Mar 2024


What are English-taught degree programs like at Fudan’s SOE?

Delving in the world of economics through global lenses


Since 2005, Fudan University has started to offer English-taught degree programs to students around the world. Students can study at Fudan at bachelor’s, master’s and PhD level, free from any language barrier. Find the links at the end of this article for more information about the English-taught undergraduate and master programs at Fudan’s School of Economics (SOE), one of the biggest schools at Fudan University.

Hear what our current students and alumni have to say about the English-taught programs offered by Fudan’s SOE in Shanghai, the most internationalized city of China.

This is our interview with Professor Li Zhiyuan and Ms. Zhang Yuwen in which you can find out more about what you can gain from studying at SOE, and how the undergraduate and master classes look like.


Undergraduate International Program in Economics (UIPE) is a four-year, English-taught undergraduate program offered by the School of Economics (SOE) at Fudan University.

Recruiting globally, the 4-year UIPE undergraduate program offers a repertoire of standard mathematics and economics courses, including Mathematical Analysis, Principles of Microeconomics and Macroeconomics, Econometrics, China and Globalization, Chinese Economy, Applied Economics, etc. 

In UIPE classrooms, local students study along with international students. In year 2 students choose a professor as their mentor receiving relevant and helpful advice and guidance.

At the master’s level, SOE offers EMA programs in International Business (Chinese Economy) and Finance, which recruit international students only. It is an excellent choice for those who wish to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of China in the fields of economics, finance, and business. 

Sophie Fornerod, a MIB student from Switzerland said she enjoys the vibrant academic environment, meeting professors with different academic specialization, connecting with Chinese students and being a part of the international student community. “Fudan SOE is renowned for its academic excellence and its exceptional preparation of students for their future careers. The rigorous EMA courses foster critical thinking and the acquisition of essential skills will undoubtedly benefit my future endeavors.”

Interactive learning experience

Interaction is a key part of the UIPE program, for which each UIPE course has been assigned more credits compared with traditional courses at Chinese colleges. “I often encourage my students to speak in class. Although it may put pressure on them at first, the skills they earn can be lifetime assets,” said Professor Liu Yu who teaches Principles of Microeconomics and China and Globalization.

“The course Economic History is really engaging. We actively participated in passionate debates on various real-life topics related to economics.” said Ying Yue, a Chinese student from the Class of 2026.

In the EMA course Chinese Economy, Professor Li Dan assigned the class a video project, where students were given the task to select an industry of their interest and conduct surveys and expert interviews to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the field. “I aimed to develop their capabilities in multiple dimensions. Besides research, they will also learn to edit videos and work as a team. One group looked into the industry of electronic vehicles in Shanghai and their work really impressed me.”

Learn to think from a Chinese perspective

The UIPE and EMA courses showcase a perfect combination of the western-style economics education and professors’ research regarding Chinese topics in economics.

“We don’t have such courses on how China drove or governed its economy in my home university and these topics really intrigue me. Thanks to the student exchange partnership between Fudan SOE and my home university, now I’m able to understand the Chinese economic growth patterns,” said Isabelle Franz, an exchange student from the University of Göttingen who is in the MF class.

“We always know China is different. But how? Through the use of charts, graphs, and compelling case studies, we compare China with developed countries, particularly the United States and European countries, in order to identify the unique features of Chinese economy,” explained Professor Jiang Jiajun, who teaches the EMA course of Financial Institutions and Markes.

“We want to educate more people to understand China very well so that they can serve as a bridge between China and their own countries, in politics, economics or social ties,” said Professor Li Dan.

The world explained solely through economics is too limited. In advanced courses and in-class discussions, students are engaged in thought-provoking discussions on the correlations of economics and finance with public health, environment, psychology and other topics closely related to life and society.

Extracurricular activities

Aside from reading economics literature, students from both EMA and UIPE have the opportunity to visit public institutions and well-known companies, such as Bytedance, Huawei and Starbucks, aiming to facilitate inspirational interactions with industry experts.

“I’ve learned a lot about business practices and the environment in China. The experience that struck me the most was visiting the Shanghai Foreign Investment Association, during which I was able to network with various industries’ staff members. Thanks to that experience, I got an opportunity to interview for an intern position in a prominent international FMCG company,” said Filip Komšić, a student of EMA Finance.

Students in both UIPE and EMA have their own group chats, where information regarding internships, overseas exchanges and advice on studying are shared. 

Besides connections to working places, students find abundant sports and cultural activities. “I’ve always been a crazy fan of tennis and it’s exhilarating to compete against Chinese students,” said Angel Stefanov, a Bulgarian student from the UIPE Class of 2026.

Links to Fudan SOE’s English-taught programs

Undergraduate International Program in Economics (UIPE)

Master of Finance (MF)

Master of International Business (MIB) (Chinese economy)

Presented by Fudan University Media Center

Writer: Xu Zixi

Videographer: Qian Yicheng

Editors: Li Yijie, Wang Mengqi
