News & Events

31 May 2024


FDU INFO-STAR launched today


The CERES-1 Y12 carrier rocket was launched today(May 31) from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, sending 2 satellites, Aurora Constellation Satellite 01 and 02, into space. The rocket blasted off from the launch site at 7:39 a.m. (Beijing Time). The launch was witnessed by QIU Xin, chairman of Fudan University Council and WANG Yuanyuan, vice president of Fudan University.

Aurora Constellation Satellite 01 was also called FDU INFO-STAR, which was named by JIN Yaqiu, member with the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor of electromagnetic wave and remote sensing science at Fudan’s School of Information Science and Technology, who led the research and development of the payload and platform of FDU-INFO STAR. 

The satellite will help boost the research of inter-satellite laser communication and satellite optical remote sensing, utilizing AI and big data in satellite ground station reception. From 2G to 5G, the realization of communication technology has always been based on land-based networks, while Space-Air-Ground-Sea Integrated Networks mark the distinctive feature of 6G. A three-dimensional network of worldwide coverage, including the high, medium and low-orbit satellites, will contribute to economic efficiency by making everything interconnected.

Many new technologies for communication will finally be tested in space, said ZHANG Junwen, deputy director of the Key Laboratory of Information Science of Electromagnetic Waves, Ministry of Education Fudan University. During the orbital period, Fudan scientists will carry out inter-satellite laser communication link testing and verification in collaboration with the Aurora Satellite team.

The data collected by FDU INFO-STAR will be transmitted through the satellite remote sensing data receiving station located at Fudan’s Jiangwan Campus. A 5.4-meter parabolic antenna there can effectively receive, focus, and transmit data signals for back-end information processing.

Our School is known for interdisciplinary collaboration. We need high-quality projects serving as platforms to gather talents and give full play to interdisciplinary strengths, and the satellite is such a platform, said ZHAN Yiqiang, deputy dean of Fudan’s School of Information Science and Technology.



Presented by Fudan University Media Center

Writer: WANG Mengqi

Editor: LI Yijie

Designer: George Li
