
07 Jun 2024


President JIN Li meets with Secretary-General of LAS in Cairo

On June 4, President of Fudan University JIN Li was welcomed at the headquarters of the League of Arab States (LAS) in Cairo at the invitation of the LAS Secretariat. The visit aimed to explore opportunities to strengthen and expand the strategic partnership between the LAS and Fudan University.

Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit, in his meeting with Jin, emphasized that China-Arab relations have become a significant force for stability and development on the global stage. Gheit, who recently attended the 10th Ministerial Conference of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum in Beijing, praised Shanghai as an unparalleled city and acknowledged Fudan University's substantial contributions to fostering China-Arab relations.

Gheit expressed his aspiration for the Secretariat and the Association of Arab Universities to collaborate with Fudan University to lead in areas such as global governance training, technological innovation, and intercultural dialogue.

Jin expressed admiration for Gheit's significant role in advancing China-Arab ties. Earlier this year, Fudan has been selected as the leading Chinese university in the field of public policy for the China-Arab 10+10 university cooperation framework. Last year, the Fudan-Arab Research Centre for Global Development and Governance was established in partnership with the Association of Arab Universities.

To solidify strategic cooperation between Fudan and LAS, Jin and LAS Assistant Secretary-General Ambassador Haifa Abu Ghazaleh signed on behalf of the two sides an action plan to implement future collaborative projects.


Presented by Fudan University Media Center

Writer: LI Yijie

Editor: WANG Mengqi
